19 Aug 2015

Hey ho, let's go!


'ZoneIchwone' is a travel and lifestyle blog.

Who we are?

We are a couple who loves travelling, sports and being active. We are from Wrocław (Poland), where we grew up and completed our studies. Now, we are living in Erlangen (Germany), which is a perfect town for us.

Why we write?

We want to share ours trips and give you tips!
Travelling is our passion, so we want to  give you useful information about places, cultures, things to do and what you must to see.

For whom we write?

For everyone who wants to visit new, interesting places or at least read about them. 


  1. Seba dlaczego nienawidzisz pizzy ?

  2. Nienawidze.... tylko takiej jeżowej pizzy drogowej, a za pozostałymi jej gatunkami po prostu nie przepadam:)
