18 Nov 2016

Romantic Road: Füssen - between mountains, a lake and a river

Füssen is the last stop of the Romantic Road (マンチック街道), as it is the last town in Germany before the boarder with Austria. It is also the highest located town in Bavaria (808 meters above sea level). The town is a very convenient place to stay overnight if you want to visit Neuschwanstein and Hohenschangau  castles, as we did. Hence, it is also worth sightseeing it during your stay. Although, the town is small the prices are quite high, because of the amount of tourists staying there while visiting the castles. Furthermore, during winter skiers and snowboarders also come to this region, which makes it more crowdy and famous.

The town has a unique climate of a medieval-mountain village, which you can feel walking through its narrow streets.

Pharmacy of Füssen

Rathaus of Füssen

View on the St. Mang Basilica

Inside the St. Mang Basilica you can find the oldest fresco in Germany dated on the year 980, it is placed in cryp of the basilica. In the town is also located bishops residence with the museum (see the photo below on the right). In my opinion the most beautiful building of the city is small rococo hospital chapel (see below on the left). The chapel is located on the bank of the river Lech, which has characteristic turquoise tint.

Hohes Schloss.

Moreover, Füssen also has its own castle: Hohes Schloss (High Castle), but because of neighboring Neuschwanstain and Hohenschwangau castles it mostly stays unnoticed. The castle is decorated by many wall paintings, which is also unique. But, in ours opinion there is a little too much of them.

Courtyard of Hohes Schloss in Füssen

Half of the eight...

Emblem above the entrance to the castle
The castles emblem is very common for the region: it consists of two main families emblems: Franconian (white-red) and Hohenzollern (white-black). The date is written in old German style font and shows 1499. The second character looks completely different than we use to see. In the past, 4 was written as half of the 8, where comes this notation. This was told to us during sightseeing on Hohenzollern castle.

View on the castle from the old town #2

Gardens behind the old town of Füssen

Füssen's romantic square

I'm sitting on the deer... backwards

Breaking news: Milka cow is not violet!

Just outside the city on the way to Neuschwanstein we immediately stopped after seeing three furry cows, which lives only in high mountains. 

Milka #1

Milka #2

Milka #3

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