7 Nov 2016

Romantic Road: Neuschwanstein - a homage to the Middle Ages

View on the Neuschwanstein castle from Marienbrucke

A homage to the Middle Ages - brief story:

Construction of the castle began in 1868 and it was originated by Bavarian king - Ludwig II. New castle was built above the Hohenschwangau castle, which belonged to his father. This time nobody was building castles, because they already lost theirs main features more then 100 years back. It was only done because of the passion of the Ludwig II for middle ages. That why he designed a perfect castle for himself using the most up to date technologies for certain day (using steel constructions etc.). Ludwig II always wanted to feel like real king from middle ages.  Although, the construction costed a lot and it put king and the country in debts, he was always going on with the building. His stubbornness made the banks and government certified him as insane and interned him till his death in June 1886. Only two months later the castle was opened for public (before nobody was allowed to enter the building).

View on the Neuschwanstein (left), Hohenschangau (right) and St. Coloman church (front) from the road 

How to plan your trip.

Even there are a lot of parking places it does not mean that you don't have to walk. Parkings are extremely expensive - 6 euro per car, doesn't matter how long you'll stay. Then you still have to walk far up the hill. We advise to take the path as drawn on the map below. Hence, all the signs guides you with the wider but twice longer way. To use the shorter way you have to go in the opposed direction to the signs to the back of the parking, where starts the path on the castle. 

Note: the tickets are only available in the tourist office near parking, so if you want to enter the castle you have to buy them there. We advise to adjust and do not risk tiring walk up and down the hill twice.
Admission charges are: 12 euro for adults and 11 euro for students, young people under 18 years old are free of charge. Even if you pay a lot, you cannot make any photos inside the castle. Guided tours are available in English and German. All important information you'll find here.
From the parking to the castle you can get also by chaise, which is another adventure, this pleasure cost you additional 10 euro per person one way.


To Füssen you can easily get by highway A7 from German side. This is very good place to stay there for a night, from where you have only several kilometers to the Neuschwanstein castle.

Castles parking
Queue to enter the castle

The crowd in Neuschwanstain is frightening, even though we were there in the middle of Autumn, there were queues and hundreds of visitors. If you really want to enjoy the tip you should avoid summer holidays and longer weekends and plan your trip on some side-day.

The front gate from the inside

Only place inside the castle where you are allowed to make a photo


View on the Hohenschwangau castle and Alps

Neuschwanstein castle

Queue to the Marienbrucke

Only if you come here for taking the pictures of the castle, you have to wait in the queue to make them, sometimes the line can be extremely long. On the other hand it is definitely worth waiting.
Abyss below the Marienbrucke

View on the Hohenschwangau and Neuschwanstein castles

View from Marienbrucke

Neuschwanstein photo from 'above the Abyss' view point

Hohenschwangau castle

View on the Nueschwanstein castle from the underneath of Hohenschwangau castle

Romantic Road.

It is long distance (~500km) trail from Würzburg to Füssen covering most beautiful places of Bavaria. Neuschwanstain is one before last stop on the trail, and definitely the most popular point on the trail map. In further posts we'll introduce you some more places from Romantic Road...

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