15 Feb 2017

Karlovy Vary - where the hot water springs

Main geyser on a street in Karlovy Vary

A brief story:

Karlovy Vary (Karlsbad, Carlsbad, カルロヴィ・ヴァリ) is located in western Czech Republic. It was founded in 14th century after the accidental discovery of the hot springs by the king Charles IV during his hunting in the region (the emperor at this time lived in nearby castle Loket). The town is located along the river Teplá, which from Czech means hot, as the water from springs finally always falls into this river and makes it a bit hotter than expected.

River Teplá in Karlovy Vary

The golden age of the town falls on the XVIII - XIX century, from when most of the buildings comes from. These times tourists started to visit the town and the springs, as the transportation became easier. From the second half of the XIX century rich clientele started determining the character of the society in Karlovy Vary. During this time many political and diplomatic negotiations took place in this town.

Living in a spa.

In the town there are 13 hot main mineral springs, which differs from each other by temperature and amount of minerals.  There are also about 300 smaller springs. The hottest spring is called Vřídlo, which temperature is equal 73 degrees Celsius and it rises from the depth of 2000-3000 meters. The temperature of other springs varies between 30 and 70 degrees. The water from the springs can cure metabolic disorders and/or be used for inhalations.  

Vřídlo hot spring

The springs are spread on the distance of 800 meters and they are cased in colonnades. The water from each source has not only different temperature but also a different taste due to a varied amount of minerals. The use of water from colonnades is free of charge. The hot springs water from the underground colonnade in supplied to the spa hotels, which use it not only for bathing but also for drinking. 

Traditional porcelain cup from Karlovy Vary

Almost every spa guest walks between colonnades and drink the curative spring water from specially designed little cups. The shape of the cups is optimised to preserve the temperature and CO2 content of the liquid inside. You can buy them in the local souvenir shops. 

Hot spring in Tržni kolonáda

Tržni kolonáda

Zámecká kolonáda

Sadová kolonáda

Sadová kolonáda

After drinking warm, healthy water guests can enjoy special Czech's wafers served warm with different fillings (e.g. almond, vanilla, chocolate).

Wafer from Karlovy Vary

Famous Russian spa destination.

As the Czech Republic was included in the Eastern Part of Europe before 1990, the rich Russian tourists were visiting this place very often. Therefore, in the town there is also an orthodox Church. Furthermore, all advertisement are translated not only in German but also in Russian language. Which means that Russians still like to visit this town, even though the political division was changed many years ago.

St. Peter and Paul orthodox Church

Elite Russian guests likes high standards and huge resorts. Thus we classified following hotel to theirs influence. The Imperial Hotel towers above the city and it can be see from a really long distance. Even though it's just a hotel it became also an icon of the city.

Hotel Imperial

Hotel Imperial

Overview of Karlovy Vary

XIX century houses in the center of Karlovy Vary

Souvenirs shops in the center of Karlovy Vary

Street view of Karlovy Vary

Teplá river going through the center of the town

Cross on the rocks

Our memories:

Beherovka's motherland

It is already ours longest post, but there is one more thing, which has to be mentioned. In this city in 1807 the famous alcohol: Beherovka was invented. In Karlovy Vary you can see the museum of Jan Beher.

Our recipes inspired by Karlovy Vary:

  • 1 shot glass of Becherovka
  • 4 shots glasses of Lychee Juice or Tonic Water 
  • 2 ice cubes
  • 1 slice of Orange
Pour Becherovka into a glass and add Lychee Juice or Tonic Water. Add slice of Orange and put Ice cubes on the top.

  • 1 shot glass of Becherovka 
  • 4 shots glasses of Tonic Water 
  • 1 shot glass of Tequila 
  • 1 slice of Orange
Pour Becherovka into a glass and add Tonic Water and Tequila. Add slice of Orange on the top.

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