6 Mar 2016

Venice - Cultural's Capitol

The summer holidays of 2014 we spent in Croatia, but on the way there we stopped and visited Venice. In the first time we wanted to spent there more time and look for a camping south from Venice near Chioggia, but the coast we saw was totally disappointing. What we saw was one big party for teenagers and dirty sand and water. Furthermore fauna there wasn't in the typical Mediterranean style, rather similar to the central-European. We made a quick decision, that we'll spend there only one day and we allocated it to explore Venice.

View on the Salute from the Ponte dell Accademia


At each corner you can find the shops with the carnivals masks, unfortunately they were not affordable for us. But while visiting Venice in the time of carnival you should have one! Then you won't avoid this expense.



You can meet the art everywhere
The Saint Marco place is the main part of the city of Venice. Historically there was a main market. There are placed famous buildings as: Basilica di San Marco, Torre dell'Orolongio (clock tower) and Palazzo Ducale (prince residence).

View on the Palazzo Ducale from the Punta della Dogana
Palazzo Ducale
Nowadays due to the global warming and increase of the sea levels sometimes you can observe the residual water on the Saint Marco place. If the changes will follow this trend there is possibility that it won't be accessible for pedestrians but only for boats.

Piazza San Marco, Basilica di San Marco
Canal Grande is the main communication route in Venice, it's 4 km long and fits in the city of Venice with the 'S' shape. One of the possibilities of crossing this canal is by Ponte di Rialto. This 28m length bridge was built in 1591 and the galleries on them are one of the main tourists attractions.

Ponte di Rialto

Beautiful view on the Canal Grande from Ponte di Rialto
The city of Venice is small and is easy do the sightseeing on foot which is also the most cost effective. For the so called 'water bus' disposable ticket cost from 7 euro yet for the gondolas cost at least 100 euro per ride (4 persons).

The map of our trip through Venice
The whole trip took for us half of a day. We made one huge mistake while doing this trip, then we enter the island with the car and leaving the car for a day in the Venice costed us 30 euro. Much better idea is to leave the car on the mainland and go there by train, tram or 'water-bus'.


  1. Congratulations, really blog. I'm gonna follow to see your next adventures. Regarding Venice I recommend particitating in Venice free walking tour (booking in advance is needed). If you are fed up with mainstream, it's something for you as Guide is showing all non-mainstream places (like Jewish district) or places where true inhabitants are spending time (few of them is still there). Obviously if you have only one day it's okay to go for mainstream :) Regarding coast, it's good to take vaporetto and go to Venice Lido, very pleasant beach with gold sand. Only approx 10 minutes from center of Venice.
