28 Jun 2016

Gibraltar - a tropical England

Our first trip together was finished in Gibraltar. Where we got after 5 days of driving, delivering packages in two middle places. During this trip we had only one completely free day, which we decided to spent on the 'Rock'. One day is absolutely enough for exploring this country. Of course during summer you can also spend much more time on sunbathing and swimming in the Mediterranean See. We were there in March so for us, the sightseeing was enough that time. Although it was not even spring the temperature on this day was varying between 19 and 25 degrees.

Let's enter the city!

Cute macaque
Morning view for the Rock of Gibraltar form plage of La Linea de la Concepcion, Spain

Tropical England:

In Gibraltar you will find everything what in ordinary English city: double-decker buses, red public phones, Pounds and people speaking English fluently. The prices are significantly larger than in Spain, but there is one thing which local people buy specially there: alcohol. The generic price for a 1L of whisky is around 8 euro, which is a way cheaper than even in Poland. 

Grand Casemates Square
Red public phone

Double-decker bus

The Rock of Gibraltar

Gondola station on the top of the Rock

Mandarines trees in the center of Gibraltar

View for the east slope of the Rock

Is highly recommended to reach the top of the Rock, even it is not cheap attraction. You have several possibilities of sightseeing the Rock:
- on foot, only for experienced walkers due to very big height differences, the walk is not so nice (cost-free)
- by gondola to the top and walk on the top of the Rock. We choose this option, even the cable car is really expensive (15 euro per person for a return ticket), but the walk is not time limited and it is very nice to meet macaques and explore the Rock on your own
- by car trip, it is only 2/3 euro per person more expensive but it is an option for lazy people who don't like to walk so much xD

After we came back to the city we took really nice walk and we also visited 100 ton gun museum. On the end of the peninsula famous lighthouse is located, but unfortunately we haven't reached this place. On the other hand we still have the purpose of going there for the second time:)

View for the Gibraltar city, airport and the harbour of La Linea de la Concepcion (Spain)

Gibraltar airport

Warning! Achtung! Uwaga! Pozor!

Even the Gibraltar is in the European Union, but due to historical reasons the border still exists. Moreover, the control is very strict, so don't be scared and don't forget your ID while going there. Just next to the border the airport is located. Thus, to reach the city pedestrians and cars have to cross the airstrip.

As normal for the England there are also used Pounds, so better exchange money, before to not lose during transactions in souvenir shops.

They are very cheap there, especially whisky. So by leaving Gibraltar buy o bottle or seven for your personal use:) Remember that you can cross the border with maximum 1L of high percentage alcohol per person. Actually the control didn't happen for us, so we regretted that we didn't buy more:p

Monkeys (Macaques):
As we showed they are really living on the Rock of Gibraltar. Although they looks cute, please be careful they are stealing food every day. Furthermore, during taking photo we put the coat on the ground and in the minute one macaque tried to steal it looking for food. Fortunately Iwonka was faster then small monkey:) 

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