10 May 2017

Loket - following the Goethe's trail

View on the Loket town

Loket - a biref story

The town's history began in XIIth century, when the Loket castle was built. It was used as a boarder fortress. Later on the city next to the castle was developed (XIIIth century). In Loket the Holy Roman Emperor - Charles IV lived (the one who discovered hot springs in Karlovy Vary). Therefore, the town gained the 'royal city' status. By the end of the XVth century Loket was one of the best fortified cities in Central Europe. It was destroyed during the Thirty Years' War and after this it never came back to its previous splendor. Thanks to this lot of monuments preserved in unchanged manner till this day. Nowadays, the town only has around 3 000 inhabitants.

Beutifully located town between mountainsin a river bend

Follow me through the town's streets

Just behind the bridge located is the local brewery building

Cute barrel of bier

St. Vaclav's church

Main square of Loket with the baroque Town hall on the right 

Following the Goethe's trail

Loket was one of the cities, which the famous writer loved. Goethe lived in the town in several time periods in the beginning of the XIXth century. According to his words the town is surrounded by the Art from all sides. He also celebrated in Loket his 74th birthday.
Goethe's novels were for us nightmares during our school education, but now we are not so scared anymore :) 

House where Goethe lived (on the left)

Some more photos from the old town of Loket:

Narrow street towards the main square

See you next time...

High five!

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