3 Mar 2019

Matosinhos - a big kitchen of Porto

Where the food is everywhere...

Hi, it's been a while since we wrote something. Today we want to show you one of our experience from Portugal. The town is called Matosinhos and it is famous from the huge port and street restaurants in its vicinity.

Matosinhos - a big kitchen of Porto

The food (fish and shells) is really being stored and cooked on the streets. One traffic line is appropriated by restaurants where they put theirs grills and tables for visitors. In following pictures you will see snapshots from cooking procedure, choosing the fish, preparation and cooking. We were there more there once to gain some knowledge (the food was delicious too), therefore there are pictures taken during the night and during the day too.

Let's choose a fish!

Looking good... and it is much nicer when somebody is doing the dirty wort instead of me

How much does it cost?

And finally our food is going onto the grill, look how good it looked. In the end it is very fresh, delicious and unforgettable, but quite expensive. In the evening one person can eat there for about 25€. During the lunch time (before 3p.m.) you can eat a bit cheaper, then the rates are about 15€ per person. I don't know if is really healthy if you have lot of cars driving just next to your food, which is being cooked, and later just next to your plate, but still it was worth to try.

Skewer on a plate

Cod on a plate

They usually serve fish with potatoes and onion dashed with plenty of olive oil. Bon Appetit!

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