30 Nov 2017

Christmas markets: Nürnberg Weihnachtsmarkt

Christmas market by night

Nürnberg - this place don't need a special invitation, especially before Christmas. Except values of the city, you can take part in one of the oldest Germans Christmas market: Nürnberger Christkindlesmarkt which means exactly: "Christ Child market".

View on the Nürnberger Christkindlesmarkt

The Christmas market is located on the main town square (Hauptmarkt) and the easiest way to get there is to use a public transport - bus and metro stops you can find on the map below. If you are coming from another city, you can use a train (DB) or more comfortable way - a car. For drivers we marked the spots, where the free parking places are located. You won't find any free parking place closer to the old town.
Organizers didn't forget about kids. They have theirs own Christmas market located on the St. Lorenz square. Although, it is smaller, you can find the most beautiful carousel (not only for kids) :)))



All of Germans' Christmas markets start in a week after the last Sunday before Advent.
According to Christians, Advent is a preparation time for a birth of Jesus. It lasts 4 weeks before Christmas. People should limit theirs own habits and they should be more calm and quiet. They should also eat a little less than usual. All of this behaviors should prepare theirs bodies and minds for upcoming Christmas.

As you see the Christmas market is strictly connected with the tradition of Advent. Therefore, all goods which are served on the market should be connected with habits and tradition. This connections you can easily notice on the Nürnberg Weihnachtsmarkt.

5 traditional items on Nürnberg Weihnachtsmarkt, what do they mean?


Weihnachtskrippe - Bethlehem's stable

Bethlehem's stable

It consists of the Holy Family, manger, where Jesus was put by his mother and animals who were living in the stable. Their are visited by three kings and some shepherds as well.

Rauschgoldengel - traditional gold angels 

Gold Angels dolls

Statue of an Angel in the Frauenkirche
These angles are connected with the most important Gold Angel who performs the prologue on an openings ceremony. The speech is unchanged for hundreds of years as well as the procedure of choice of the kid, who will conduct the speech. They are chosen initially by the inhabitants of Nürnberg, but this choice is verified by the proper jury, who accepts or declines the candidate.

How to be an "Angel"....?
If you are a girl, between 16-19 years old.....
If you are living in Nürnberg....
 If you are taller as 1,60 m and you are not afraid of heights, you can be a well-known Gold Angel!

Zwetschgenmännla - plum figurines

Zwetschgenmännla on a market

Zwetschgenmännla are the figurines made of a dry plumes. They were regular toys for kids in last centuries, and now they became a traditional and practical souvenirs which you can eat :) Great for a gift! 

Lebkuchen - ginger cake

Most popular "hearts" on the market.

Nürnberg, as well as another cities on Bavaria, is known from this original tidbit. Shapes and decorations of Lebkuchen depends only on manufacturer imaginations... 

Red and White

Red and white roofs

All roofs are in the same color - red and white, these are national colors of Franconia. Nurnberg was a capital of this land, now they belong to Bavaria, but they still keep not only traditional habits but also traditional colors. The best view on the roofs you can find from the balcony of the Frauenkirche (see below).

Do not miss it....

 Moreover, you can find there many shops with homemade decorations and toys, which (beside the aforementioned items) can be a good idea for a gift:

Models of old Bavarian-style houses

Exposition of the shop with models of traditional houses

The architecture in Bavarian towns is very well preserved and/or very well reconstructed after the second world war. Tourists will find easily beautiful buildings, which were built in medieval ages or at least several hundreds years ago. Therefore, theirs models can be very nice souvenir as well.

Hand-made dolls and theirs "furniture"

Local shop with hand-made dolls

Furniture for the doll's house

This is too cute, we like to see such things. The furniture is executed with enormous attention to detail and you can find there everything from a lamp with bulbs to sets of porcelain dishes. Everything for your dolls. On the other hand, it costs a lot, sometimes comparably to ordinary items for human beings.

Christmas baubles

Beautiful Christmas baubles from Nurnberger Weihnachtsmarkt

Absolutely 5 thing to do during market:

Drink Glühwein - mulled wine

Hot wine in a traditional cup on the Nurnberg's Christmas market in 2016

Try Nürnberger Rostbratwurste - typical local roasted sausage

Signboard of the sausage shop
Bon appetit!

Visit the Frauenkirche (church of Our Lady)

View from balcony inside in the Frauenkirche

This is an oldest cathedral in Nürnberg, it is not huge nor breathtaking. But it is very old.... Dated on the middle of the XIVth century. It has very impressive portal and a balcony, from which you can experience a view on the entire Christmas market (entrance: 2 Euro). You can find it on ours map abowe.

 Schöner Brunnen - beautiful fountain

On the main square you will find the copy of the XIVth century beautiful Gothic fountain. The fountain's sculptures represents the world view of the Holy Roman Empire and it's a unique site. 
On both sides of the fence, which is a part of the fountain, are two golden circles attached. According to the legend spinning of one of these circles brings luck. Do not forget to do it!!!

Enjoy the atmosphere!

Lot of people enjoying the Christmas time. Nothing to add nor to skip

Crowd on the Nürnberg's Christmas market

Moreover, the market is big and crowded, it fills entire old town of Nürnberg. Due to the crowd also the sad things cam happen e.g. you can lose your lovely scarf or hat...

Don't worry probably most what you lost, can be found in the dedicated department of the Christmas market: Fundbaum (Tree of founded things, pl: Drzewo Rzeczy Znalezionych) on children's market.


MULLED WINE: 3,00 Eur - always remember that you also have to pay a deposit for a cup (extra 3,00 Eur)!
If you return the cup you will get your deposit back. But you can take the cup for as a gift :)

BRATWURST: c.a. 4,00 Eur
BAGGERS: c.a. 4,50 Eur 
And more....And it is better to take cash with you, because the local sellers do not accept cards for small transactions:)

Safety on the Christmas market

After last year's terrorist attack in Berlin all entrances to the Christmas market are protected by huge concrete bricks, which makes the ways not suitable for any car to pass and only pedestrians are allowed to enter the zone. Moreover, each entrance is monitored by at least two police mans who should react as soon as possible for any suspicious behavior.

The official page of the Nürnberg's Christmas market you can find here.

See you there!

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